Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I Think, therefore I Am

Welcome and many thanks for visiting my blog. Well, to start off with the blogging business, I thought the first post should serve the purpose of explaining the title of the blog and also provide a context and purpose for me having taken up the pen ( or rather the keyboard ! ).

" Cogito ergo sum" in Latin, usually translated into English as "I think, therefore I am" is a famous philosophical statement by one of the greatest thinkers of all time, Rene Descartes which became the foundation of Western philosophy. Simply put, the statement means that if someone is wondering whether or not he exists, that is in and of itself a proof that he does exist ( the reason being at the least there is an 'I' that is doing the thinking. Whereas the statement itself is a philosophical refection, it nevertheless emphasizes the most important distinguishing characteristic of human beings from other mortals in the world, that being the superior thinking ability which we possess and the virtue of cognition of self or "I". Throughout the long and arduous history of human civilization, we have gone from step to step and reached the present position wherein we have amassed a huge reservoir of knowledge of the universe in which we live in, through observation, analysis and critical reasoning. Whether it was the discovery of fire or of the internal structure of the atomic nucleus, the basic questions of What? Why? Which? When? and How? have never changed over time. Whether it is liberal arts and sciences or modern technology and business management, the complex and analytical human mind is and and always has been the true champion. The complexity of the human mind can be best gaged from the fact that in spite of using it successfully for understanding almost all of the things that exist around us, we haven't been able to achieve a complete understanding of the human mind itself and it remains elusive of our comprehending ability till date. Therefore, perhaps we should once in a while take a break from the chores of life to appreciate the sheer beauty and complexity of our greatest asset, our mind, and should also be thankful to the almighty / evolution of life on earth ( wherever one's belief lies ) for endowing us with this unique and prized possession. Unfortunately, in the modern chaotic world, this is seldom done by us and on top of it much of this is rather wasted in inactivity which is hardly a justice to this gift.

Thus, let us pledge today to utilize this boon to the best of our abilities in a world that is increasingly becoming chaotic and on the edge of being run by lunatics and fanatics. Let us stand up for ourselves and our fellow men whenever we see injustice being meted out or truth being obstructed. Let us take some time out to rise above our individual materialistic worlds to think about the bigger picture and feel for our oppressed and depressed fellow beings in any corner of the world, and at the least 'think' about what we can do about it.

For it is only by thinking that we have a vision, which later transforms into reality.


  1. I never thought you would "blog",having been presumptuous for you about the purpose of blogging
    Any way,were you stoned or elated for this post

  2. not a bad start as a blogger.. we hope u and ur profound brain will come up with more explicit ideas which will be technically,socially,philosophically n economically viable to society we live in in ur upcoming blogs....
    all the best..

  3. "technically,socially,philosophically n economically viable to society we live in in ur upcoming blogs...."
    Xpecting a Vivekananda in the making?

  4. Hi
    I am Feverip, I am here to special say :thanks for your following me on my LED-fever Blogs

    Will look into your blog soon after....

    best from Feverip
